Mary Bouquet is an Anthropologist at Utrecht University

Mary is in Group 1

Mary Bouquet teaches Cultural Anthropology and Museum Studies at Utrecht University College, an innovative new course she designed. She has extensive experience in European museums, having worked at the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam. Bouquet has commented on the developing relationship between university anthropology and museums, which has posed numerous challenges for academic teaching and research.

Bouquet is best-known for her theoretical writings on museums and material culture. Publications include Academic Anthropology and the Museum : Back to the Future (2001) volume 13 in the Berghahn series New Directions in Anthropology and most recently co-edited with Nuno Porto Science, Magic and Religion : the Ritual Process of Museum Magic (2005). Bouquet has also explored more visual forms of communication, in her photographic essay Images of Artefacts. Here she focused not so much on the artefacts themselves but on the documentation concerning the collection, including the labelling processes.

image of participant

Go to Mary Bouquet’s object presented on Day One