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The Medieval Citizen

Adolf Karpellus - Zeichnet Vierte Österreichische Kriegsanleihe

Adolf Karpellus
Zeichnet Vierte Österreichische Kriegsanleihe
[Subscribe to the Fourth Austrian War Loan]
PST 0224

Rauch - Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe

Zeichnet Kriegsanleihe
[Subscribe to the War Loan]
PST 10585

Asides from images of the knight, portrayals of other scenes recalling the medieval or early modern period were also used, again as a distancing mechanism from the reality of war.

The depiction of supportive figures to the knight, such as flag bearers or drummers, could suggest the support of a nation’s citizen populace. Through subscription to war loan campaigns, the civilian was able to find a means of standing behind their own armed forces.

Karpellus' image depicts a male standard bearer, dressed in Renaissance military costume. He carries a flag, bearing the coat of arms of the Habsburgs, the ruling dynasty of Austria-Hungary. Rauch’s drummer is likewise dressed in Renaissance garb, wearing the black and yellow colours of the Habsburg dynasty. Both young men represent rallying calls to the civilian to join the war, albeit from the relative safety of the home front.

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