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The China Project

Manchester - Our Tradition is Innovation

Art Museum, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in Guangzhou
8th to 18th November 2007

'Art & Design Work from Manchester Metropolitan University • China Show' is the first exchange exhibition to be held in China under the auspices of the MIRIAD China Project. After 'All Go Digital' exhibition in Beijing and 'Made in Manchester' in Xiamen, 'Manchester, Our Tradition is Innovation' is the third and the last venue of this changing, touring show.

As the world's oldest industrial city, Manchester has reinvented itself through its arts and cultural initiatives. MIRIAD (the Manchester Institute for Research and Innovation in Art and Design) of Manchester Metropolitan University, whose artists feature in this exhibition, has been an important driver in the transformation of the city. It has been at the forefront in the development of the city's public arts policy by contributing to the art, design and architecture of the city's regeneration; and, it has been responsible for leading the active creative industries of 21st century Manchester.

The activities of those artists and designers, in both practice and teaching, have defined and redefined the image of the city. This exhibition brings together both personal expressions and ideas through painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, textiles, three-dimensional design, and much more. Many of them focus on topical social and environmental issues linking the arts with science and technology. MIRIAD brings to the Chinese audience the first experience of art and design work from a leading art institute in the United Kingdom, but it also sows the seeds for inspiration. We believe that this exhibition will open doors to further exchanges, opportunities, research collaborations, friendships and innovation-the future of our cities.

See Photographs.

Manchester - Our Tradition is Innovation exhibition