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Soldiers Guarding the Landscape

Boris - Emprunt National Six pour cent

Emprunt National Six pour cent
[Six Percent National Loan]
PST 10757

Louis Oppenheim - Vaterlandspende zur Errichtung Deutscher Kriegsbeschädigten-Erholungsheime

Louis Oppenheim
Vaterlandspende zur Errichtung Deutscher Kriegsbeschädigten-Erholungsheime
[National Appeal for the Establishment of Convalescent Homes for the War-Disabled]
PST 7801

These two posters - one French, one German - express a similar idea. Both show soldiers standing guard over their respective homelands, symbolizing the idea that the military of each nation was defending their country.

Louis Oppenheim's poster depicts a convalescent German soldier standing with Germania, overlooking a coastal landscape.

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