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Austro-Hungarian Agriculture

Walt Kühn - Zeichnet die Sechste Österreichische Kriegsanleihe

Walt Kühn
Zeichnet die Sechste Österreichische Kriegsanleihe
[Subscribe to the Sixth Austrian War Loan]
PST 0491

Minka Podhajská - Zeichnet Siebente Kriegsanleihe!

Minka Podhajská
Zeichnet Siebente Kriegsanleihe!
[Subscribe to the Seventh War Loan!]
PST 3228

These two Austro-Hungarian posters depicting farmers ploughing their fields serve as a reminder that Austria-Hungary, like France, had a predominately agrarian economy. The production of foodstuffs was vital, especially after the Allied blockade greatly reduced imports.

In Walt Kühn's poster, the Austrian soldier and farmer are shown together, as both were important: the soldier is guarding the land that the farmer uses to feed the people.

Minka Podhajská's poster shows the land as provider for the family, and also how rural life continued without the men who had gone to fight. The message seems to be that food production must continue regardless.

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