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Beyond the Visual

Lara Perry
School of Historical and Critical Studies, University of Brighton

Louise Purbrick
School of Historical and Critical Studies, University of Brighton

As artists increasingly exploit forms of practice which engage the social, spatial and tangible nature of art production, the limitations of visual analysis to adequately describe and interpret these practices become more and more apparent. How can we model the relation between art and observer to address art that works outside the spectator/spectacle dyad? In Relational Aesthetics, Nicolas Bourriaud influentially attempted a theory of art based on the audience's participation: what do his and other non-visual models of the relationships between persons and things – conceived as possessive, embodied or affective – offer us as ways of thinking about exhibited art? What, if anything do these models have to contribute to our understanding of the visual elements of art practice? This session invites papers that focus on the non-visual connections between art and its interlocutors, and welcomes reflections upon the relationships between persons and things that may be considered to exist 'beyond the visual'.